初版在此 https://fishc.com.cn/thread-142205-1-1.html
# v2.1 告急修复了6星出率过高的bug(由10连保底机制产生) # v2.0 模块化 到场了标准池子STANDARD_POOL(无up, 包罗限定干员) 自界说up池 池子查抄等功能
登录/注册后可看大图 将kokodayo 杜宾seisei 以及(还没到我宿舍逛过的)白面的up率修改为1 =。=
代码有点长 稍后放出github地点 [url]
- # author:ietar
- # email: 410473517@qq.com
- # 嫡方舟模拟抽卡器 调用draw()抽1次 draw10()则为10次 10次触发保底
- # 也可以draw()其他次数 但只有10次时触发保底
- # 很显着 尚有其他功能正在写
- # v2.0 模块化 到场了标准池子STANDARD_POOL(无up, 包罗限定干员) 自界说up池 池子查抄等功能
- import random
- Official6 = ['推进之王', '能天使', '星熊', '闪灵', '伊芙利特', '银灰', '塞雷娅', '夜莺', '艾雅法拉', '陈', '安洁莉娜', '斯卡蒂']
- Official5 = ['白面鸮', '幽灵鲨', '芙兰卡', '德克萨斯', '凛冬', '普罗旺斯', '蓝毒', '雷蛇', '临光', '红', '赫默', '夜魔', '天火', '初雪', '拉普兰德', '华法琳', '守林人', '狮蝎', '真理', '白金', '陨星', '梅尔', '可颂', '崖心', '空', '食铁兽', '诗怀雅']
- Official4 = ['杜宾', '深海色', '白雪', '远山', '夜烟', '流星', '蛇屠箱', '末药', '猎蜂', '慕斯', '砾', '暗索', '地灵', '调香师', '霜叶', '清道夫', '角峰', '古米', '缠丸', '阿消', '红豆', '杰西卡']
- Official3 = ['芬', '克洛丝', '炎熔', '米格鲁', '芙蓉', '卡缇', '史都华德', '香草', '玫兰莎', '安赛尔', '梓兰', '翎羽', '空爆', '月见夜']
- # 干员数据来自http://wiki.joyme.com/arknights/干员寻访模拟器
- # 5星也太多了 我没搞错吧
- def makepool():
- pool = []
- typedict = {0:'前锋', 1:'近卫', 2:'偷袭', 3:'医疗', 4:'术士',5:'特种', 6:'重装', 7:'辅助'}
- def addo(**kw):
- '''add Official'''
- pool.append(Official(**kw))
- for i in Official6:
- addo(name=i, stars=6)
- for i in Official5:
- addo(name=i, stars=5)
- for i in Official4:
- addo(name=i, stars=4)
- for i in Official3:
- addo(name=i, stars=3)
- return pool
- def checkpool(pool):
- '''查抄池子内各星级up率是否溢出'''
- current = {3:0, 4:0, 5:0, 6:0}
- stars = 0
- for i in pool:
- if i.stars == 6:
- current[6] += i.uprate
- if i.stars == 5:
- current[5] += i.uprate
- if i.stars == 4:
- current[4] += i.uprate
- if i.stars == 3:
- current[3] += i.uprate
- for i in current:
- if current[i] > 1:
- return 0
- return 1
- def set_uprate(pool, name, uprate):
- '''自界说池子 修改干员up率 重复调用可修改多个 留意每个星级up率之和不能高出1'''
- if uprate > 1 or uprate < 0:
- raise ValueError('up率必须在0-1之间!')
- current = {3:0, 4:0, 5:0, 6:0}
- stars = 0
- flag = 0
- for i in pool:
- if i.name == name:
- stars = i.stars
- temp = i
- flag = 1
- break;
- if not flag:
- raise ValueError('池子中找不到该干员,无法修改up率!')
- assert stars != 0
- for i in pool:
- if i.stars == 6:
- current[6] += i.uprate
- if i.stars == 5:
- current[5] += i.uprate
- if i.stars == 4:
- current[4] += i.uprate
- if i.stars == 3:
- current[3] += i.uprate
- after_update = uprate - temp.uprate + current[stars]
- if after_update > 1:
- raise ValueError('up率设置过高, 当前{}星up率之和为{}'.format(stars, current[stars]))
- temp.uprate = uprate
- class Official(object):
- '''嫡方舟干员
- Official((str)name, (int)stars, uprate=0[, (int)otype])'''
- def __init__(self, name, stars, uprate=0, otype=''):
- self._name = name
- self._stars = stars
- self._uprate = uprate
- self._otype = otype
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, str):
- raise TypeError("name must be string!")
- elif len(value)>12:
- raise ValueError("The max length of name is 12.")
- self._name = value
- @property
- def stars(self):
- return self._stars
- @stars.setter
- def stars(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, int):
- raise TypeError("stars should be integer!")
- elif value not in range(1, 7):
- raise ValueError("value should be in range(1,7).")
- self._stars = value
- self._rate = RATE[self._stars]
- @property
- def otype(self):
- return self._otype
- @otype.setter
- def otype(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, str):
- raise TypeError("otype should be str!")
- elif value not in typedict.values():
- raise ValueError("unvalid otype!not in typedict.values().")
- self._otype = value
- @property
- def uprate(self):
- return self._uprate
- @uprate.setter
- def uprate(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value, int):
- raise TypeError("uprate should be 0 or float!")
- elif value > 1 or value < 0:
- raise ValueError("uprate should be in (0, 1).")
- self._uprate = value
- def info(self):
- return '{} {}星干员 {} uprate:{}'.format(\
- self._name, self._stars, self._otype, self._uprate)
- def __str__(self):
- return self._name
- __repr__ = __str__
- STADNARD_POOL = makepool()
- def draw10(pool=STADNARD_POOL):
- return draw(10, pool)
- def draw(times=1, pool=STADNARD_POOL):
- pool6 = {}
- pool5 = {}
- pool4 = {}
- pool3 = {}
- RATE = {6:0.02, 5:0.08, 4:0.4, 3:0.5, 2:0, 1:0}
- count6, count5, count4, count3 = 0, 0, 0, 0
- # 分别对应6, 5, 4, 3星 干员出货数目
- ratemax6, ratemax5, ratemax4, ratemax3 = 1, 1, 1, 1
- nonup6, nonup5, nonup4, nonup3 = 0, 0, 0, 0
- # 分别对应6, 5, 4, 3星 非up干员数目
- res = []
- # pool6,5,4,3 = {干员名:同星级内抽取率}
- #初始化完成
- # if干员的uprate不为0 将其直接设为权重
- # else 使此中分剩下的rate 分的人数+1
- for i in pool:
- if i.stars == 6:
- pool6[i] = i.uprate
- if i.uprate:
- ratemax6 -= i.uprate
- else:
- nonup6 += 1
- elif i.stars == 5:
- pool5[i] = i.uprate
- if i.uprate:
- ratemax5 -= i.uprate
- else:
- nonup5 += 1
- elif i.stars == 4:
- pool4[i] = i.uprate
- if i.uprate:
- ratemax4 -= i.uprate
- else:
- nonup4 += 1
- elif i.stars == 3:
- pool3[i] = i.uprate
- if i.uprate:
- ratemax3 -= i.uprate
- else:
- nonup3 += 1
- # nweight == normal weight
- nweight6 = ratemax6/nonup6
- nweight5 = ratemax5/nonup5
- nweight4 = ratemax4/nonup4
- nweight3 = ratemax3/nonup3
- for i in pool6:
- if not i.uprate:
- pool6[i] = nweight6
- for i in pool5:
- if not i.uprate:
- pool5[i] = nweight5
- for i in pool4:
- if not i.uprate:
- pool4[i] = nweight4
- for i in pool3:
- if not i.uprate:
- pool3[i] = nweight3
- for _ in range(times):
- a = random.random()
- if a <= RATE[6]:
- out = random.choices(list(pool6.keys()),list(pool6.values()))[0]
- res.append(out)
- count6+=1
- elif a <= RATE[5]:
- out = random.choices(list(pool5.keys()),list(pool5.values()))[0]
- res.append(out)
- count5+=1
- elif a <= RATE[4]:
- out = random.choices(list(pool4.keys()),list(pool4.values()))[0]
- res.append(out)
- count4+=1
- else:
- out = random.choices(list(pool3.keys()),list(pool3.values()))[0]
- res.append(out)
- count3+=1
- # 正式抽卡 完成
- # 保底思量直接重抽10次 只在10连抽时触发
- if times==10 and not (count6 + count5 + count4):
- # print("保底机制使您免收紫气东来困扰 1次")
- return draw(10, pool)
- return res
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- while 1:
- user_input = input("输入抽卡数目(或q退出),发起直接回车开启带保底的10连:") or '10'
- if user_input.lower() == 'q':
- break
- try:
- numbers = int(user_input)
- except ValueError:
- print("输入的不是整型,不太好抽啊")
- continue
- if numbers not in range(0,1001):
- print("亲亲发起您输入0-1000的数目呢(呕)")
- continue
- print('\n')
- print(draw(numbers,STADNARD_POOL),'\n')
- pass